Thursday, October 20, 2011

He is big.

       Rye Bread, Sunshine, and I all went to our youth group's Bible study last night.  We watched an amazing video with Louie Gigleo speaking at a missions conference.  We got a huge (yet still small)
picture of God.  Why is the universe so big?  Is it simply sitting out there, praising God?  You bet it is!!
 He is big.    

He is really, really big.  HE is the God we serve.   Sometimes just going through routine wakeup eatbreakfast havequiettime doschool eatlunch gotochurch calendercalendercalender, we can lose who God really is.  But he deserves more than that.  And He does. He is getting praise 24/7.  He doesn't NEED us.   But he lets us praise Him and serve Him.   So it was good to hear that last night.



  1. I have been thinking about that video sooo much, And what you say is so true. God is big, and it's hard to think that I can make Him so little in my life. And by the way... I had no idea stars could sing!!

  2. Ever since Wednesday I've really been thinking about what we saw AND heard!! God is so so soooo AWESOME (the old definition). Just seeing His creation just blows me away! I had NOOOO clue that s-t-a-r-s ACTUALLY sang!! O_____O I was just like....WOW. Also singing with whales and stars gave me chills...and amazement!! :) God is amazing!

  3. Wonderful post T-bird!!
    Our family tried to stream that video when Dad came back from the conference. We only got about half way through, then our internet stopped working. Just before the singing stars!
    It was really amazing getting to see the rest of it on Wednesday. It made my eyes water thinking about how big our God is, and this is the God that I'm serving!! I've been wanting to watch that video again and again since Wednesday!

    It reminded me of the bible study I am going through with my Dad and sisters. We have been reading the London Baptist Confession of Faith, (Which has been really amazing) and in ch. 2 point 2. there's a quote I really liked!!!
    "God, having all life, glory, goodness, blessedness, in and of himself, is alone in and unto himself all-sufficient, (not standing in need of any creature which he hath made, nor deriving any glory from them, but only manifesting his own glory in, by, unto, and upon him);"
    We can't give glory to God because he already has it, we can only manifest it (make it known).

    Thanks for reminding me of Wednesday.
    Liz :)

  4. I'm still rejoicing, trembling, and overwhelmed having the privilege to witness in person when that video was recorded and to join the singing 3500 brothers and sisters present who together with the whales and stars and the whole universe were praising God.
